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Inspiring Impactful Change

Transforming Lives

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Who We Are


Ministerio Internacional Las Aguilas is a non-profit religious organization and church located in Hanover, PA. Our mission is to offer spiritual growth resources, community outreach, and support to those in need. Since our establishment in 2000, we have been committed to making a positive change in all of our pursuits. Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. We strive to empower and inspire individuals from all walks of life to lead a fulfilling life. Join us in our journey to create a better world.

Our Commitment



Our Mission

The mission of the Ministerio Las Aguilas - Iglesia de Adoración y Restauración. Is part of the Universal Church of Jesus and is motivated by the love of God to worship, restore and cultivate a sincere good friendship between brethren; known as the body of Christ, which is the Living Church of God. Developing as God-fearing individuals; and whithout discrimination. 


Our Vision

- Is to teach the eternal truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

-Is that all people can understand who Jesus is and who we are in Him. And those who do not yet have this knowledge can acquire it by accepting Jesus as their personal Savior. (Jn. 1:11-12)






Join our forces, skills, talents, gifts, and finances, so that, being one Body of Christ, impact the entire population with the message of salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the great objective: Ton enlarge the Territory and Establish the Kingdom of God, here on Earth.

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